
Appointments can be made by calling the office phone number at (317) 660-2173 or by filling out the appointment form on this page. If you choose to contact us by filling out the information in the appointment form, we will try to contact you back the same day by phone or email to schedule your appointment.

Co-pays are due on the day of your visit. The law does not allow us to see you without collecting your co-pays. However, if you are coming in for a pre-participation physical exam, please download the form and fill it in prior to your visit.

Download Form (use pdf: preparticipation physical.pdf) If you have x-rays, MRI’s, CT’s, bone scans, or physician notes for the problem you are being seen for, please bring in the films and results on the day of your appointment. Patients being seen for workman’s compensation cases or motor vehicle accident cases should bring in all information about the case and contact information about the case manager and/or insurance information pertaining to coverage for the visit. For patients being seen for lower back, hip, knee, or leg problems, please try to bring in a pair of shorts to change into. For females who are being seen for upper back or shoulder problems, please try to bring in a tank top to change into.

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